
Media access

For the information of media representatives

Dear colleagues!<br>If you are interested in the activities of the Ukrainian Association of Football in a larger volume of information than is provided on the official website, please contact the press service with separate individual requests. This applies to any comments of the management of the UAF, or its specialized specialists, which may be provided outside the boundaries of briefings, press conferences or meetings of the Football Press Club.

Phone numbers for help:
+38 (044) 521-05-33, +38 (044) 521-05-36
E-mail: [email protected]

Rules and mandatory conditions of accreditation

Accreditation rules for media representatives at matches involving the national national football teams of Ukraine held on the territory of Ukraine, as well as public events under the auspices of the Football Federation.

Registration for the media

Principles for the media

Media representatives must treat match participants and their colleagues with respect and be guided in their actions by the Law of Ukraine on Mass Media

Journalists must not approach match participants for interviews or comments during the match. Interviews can only be arranged at designated locations.

The UAF has the right to revoke accreditation in the media in case of violation of the rules of operation during a football match/event under the auspices of the UAF.


Announcement about the start of accepting applications for accreditation:

  • the announcement is posted on the official website of the UAF;
  • in the announcement, the deadlines for accepting applications, the deadlines and the place of issuing accreditations must be indicated;
  • applications are made by personal registration of a media representative on the electronic media portal of the official website of the UAF.

Accreditation cards must contain the surname and initials of the journalist, the name of the mass media. Entry to the territory of the stadium and to the press box with such cards is allowed only upon presentation of the relevant journalist's ID.

During the issuance of accreditation cards in clearly established terms, a Journalist's Note is attached to them, which specifies the requirements for the work of journalists during the match, the time and place of issuing the starting lineups of the teams, a diagram of the stadium, on which the location of the mix zone is indicated , conference halls, as well as places where protocols for starting lineups and manishkas for photographers are issued.

After the game, the performance of media present at the match is monitored (originality, competence, efficiency, volume of material) and, according to the results, a decision is made regarding the expediency of issuing accreditation for the following matches.

Media working conditions on the day of the match

Companies that do not have the appropriate accreditations from the UAF are not allowed to carry out any activity (for example, film and video recording) on the Controlled Territory on the day of the match/event under the auspices of the UAF.

Radio companies (including Internet audio)

Accredited radio journalists are not allowed to be in the game area and in the technical area.

Radio companies that have a contractual relationship with UFI have the right to audio broadcast the match within the framework of the agreement reached.

Internet (websites, portals)

Accredited electronic mass media can transmit information about the match only in text format.

Photographs taken by accredited photographers may be published on website pages as static images, not as moving images or as quasi-videos.

These restrictions do not apply to the official website of the UAF.

The work of film crews that do not broadcast a match/event under the auspices of the UAF

On the day of the match, filming by cameras of accredited television companies is not allowed on the territory of the stadium.

Accredited film crews can only work on the day of the match:

  • at the press conference after the match;
  • in the Mixed Zone after the match.

Filming the match

The right to film a football match is granted only to the right holder.

Access for photojournalists

During the match, accredited photojournalists can only be on the court behind the advertising structures installed behind the goal lines.

Before the match, each photographer must receive a vest of the prescribed pattern, which must be worn throughout the match.

Photojournalists are prohibited from entering the football field before, during and after the match.

Before the match, photojournalists can take the following photos:

  • cheering the teams as they stand lined up facing the stands;
  • football players of both teams shaking hands;
  • cheers when the match referee and team captains exchange handshakes;
  • drawing lots to determine the position of the teams on the field;
  • team photography.

Mixed zone

Accredited mass media and TV companies that do not own the rights to broadcast the match have the right to interview football players, team coaches and officials in the Mixed Zone.

Press conference

The post-match press conference is available to all accredited media.

Registration for the media
News for the media All news
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